Dr.Devi Priya R

Staff Profile
Dr.Devi Priya R
Professor & Head
Dr.Devi Priya R
Professor & Head
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Portfolio: Head, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Areas of Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Optimization Algorithms, Data Science

About me
Dr.Devi Priya R has totally 16 years of experience in teaching and industry with aspiring research interests. She is very interested in societal activities.

Professional Information

Karthikeyan S, R.Manimegalai, T. Hamsapriya ” A Dynamic Resource Allocation in Cloud Services through Intelligent Combinatorial Double Auction Approach” in International Journal of Research in Computer Science(IJRCS) , Vol. 3, Issue 04, 2016 , ISSN : 2349-3828, on Oct ,2016.

Karthikeyan S,(2014) ‘Trustworthy Resource Scheduling in Large Cloud Environments' in Recent trends in Computational intelligence(NCRTCI-14), SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Chennai. ISBN No: 978-81-926837-6-8 sponsored by ICTACT government of Tamilnadu on Apr 22, 2014.

Karthikeyan S ,Sathish Kumar T, Siddarth S P , Vijayan S ,”Message Security using Character Substitution based techniques in Andriod” in International Conference on Applied research in Engineering Methodology at Professional Group of Institutions, Coimbatore on March 10-11,2016. ISBN: 978-93-5254-256-7.

Karthikeyan S, Hari Seetha, Manimegalai R,” Nature Inspired Optimization Techniques for Cloud Scheduling problems” in International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for sustainability at St.Xavier Catholic College of Engg, Tamilnadu on Apr 5-7,2018.(Elsevier Scopus) .

Karthikeyan S, Vijaya J, Srimathi S, Siddarth S,” An Improved Telecommunication Churn Prediction System by PPFCM Clustering Hybrid Model” National Conference on Recent Advances in Computer-based Systems, Processes and Applications (RACSPA), VIT University, AP on 21 Oct 2019. (Taylor-Francis).

Rohit Pesasa, Karthikeyan S, ’Artificial Vision’ IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP2020), Hotel Murali Park, Vijayawada on 10-12 Jan 2020. (IEEE).

Tathagat Banerjee, Karthikeyan S , Rohit Bhargav Peesa, Priyanka Nair ,’Deep Belief CNN Based Artificial Vision’, International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (ICSET 2020), Pune, Maharashtra at 06 - 07, March 2020.

R. B. Peesa, A. Satpathy, S. Karthikeyan, M. Bisht, T. Banerjee and G. Gupta (30 Oct 2020), "Single Node Hadoop Cluster for Small Scale Industrial Automation," IEEE 5th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA), Greater Noida, India, 2020, pp. 185-189(IEEE)

S. Karthikeyan, T. Banerjee,Amandeep Sharma and Charvi et.al(14 Aug 2021), " Attention based Discrimination of Mycoplasma Pneumonia," Springer 4th International Conference on Computational Intelleigence and Data Engineering(ICCIDE-2021), VIT University,AP.pp.29-41 (Springer , Scopus Indexed LNDECT Series & WoS ). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7182-1

Gowtham B, Karthikeyan S , Naveen Kurra, Sumathi D et.al (18 Dec 2021), “Chest X-Ray Classification Using Self Supervised Learning" International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Science and Computing Engineering (RTASCE2021), VIT Bhopal University in Association with Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mine) Dhanbad at 18 Dec 2021. (Scopus Indexed).

Karthikeyan S, Naresh Sammeta, Saravanan B,” Job Scheduling for Heterogeneous Hadoop systems in Eucalyptus Private Cloud” in International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD), Vol. 3, Issue 02, 2015 , ISSN (online): 2321-0613 on April ,2015.

Karthikeyan S, Hari Seetha, Manimegalai R,” Sentence Level Text Clustering using Fuzzy Relational Clustering Algorithm” in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience Oct 2018 (Scopus, American Science).

Karthikeyan S*, Manimegalai R.(2020)” Implementation of Multi Node Hadoop Virtual Cluster on Open Stack based Cloud Environments” Int. J. of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, ISSN online: 1743-8195, Volume 17 , No.2 ,pp.193-205.. DOI: 10.1504/IJBIDM.2019.10012007 (Annexure-I, Elsevier Scopus Indexed).

Karthikeyan S*, Hari Seetha and Manimegalai R (April 2019), “Efficient Dynamic Resource Allocation in Hadoop Multiclusters for Load- Balancing Problem”, Recent Patents on Computer Science, Print ISSN: 2213-2759 ,ISSN: 1874-4796 ,Volume 12 , No.1 , Pages:1-8. Journal is renamed as Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications. (Scopus Indexed).

Karthikeyan S*, Hari Seetha, Manimegalai R (June 2019), “An Efficient Toilet Queue based scheduling model for Time Constrained Jobs in Multi-node Hadoop Clusters” in Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Volume 11 , Issue.06 , ISSN :1943-023X, pp. 647-655. (Scopus Indexed).

Tathagat Banerjee, Karthikeyan S , Rohit Bhargav Peesa, Priyanka Nair (March 2020), ,’Deep Belief CNN Based Artificial Vision’, Journal of Test Engineering and Management, Volume 83, Issue.2, ISSN:0193-4120 , pp.5111-5119.(Scopus Indexed)

Karthikeyan S*, Hari Seetha (Aug 2020), “ Multi-Neural Network Model for Handling Real-Time Applications using Embedded Hadoop Cluster” in Journal of Critical Reviews, Volume 07, No.13 , ISSN: 2994-5125 , pp.2923-2928 (Scopus Indexed).

S Karthikeyan , S Gopi Krishnan,Dhruv Bhatt, Tathagat Banerjee (June 2021) ,”Double Helical Ensemble Multi-Dimensional 4-D Structured Neural Network to Analyze the Driving Pattern, Driver DNA and Generate License Score using Smartphone Sensor Data” Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol.12, Issue No.3,pp.6447-6455.(Scopus Indexed)

Karthikeyan S, Muni Nagamani,” Classification of Retinal Disease using OCT Images” ” International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology accepted on 25.2.2022 (Scopus) -Accepted

Abhiruph Chakravarty, Karthikeyan S, Sibi Chakkaravarthy S, Meenalosini Vimal,” e-Inu: Simulating A Quadruped Robot With Emotional Sentience” Mathematical Problems in Engineering accepted on 22.2.22.(SCI-Springer IF:1.305)-Accepted

Karthikeyan S, Durga P,” Systematic Literature Survey for Augmented Decision-Making Applications using Deep Learning Models” International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology accepted on 20.2.2022 (Scopus) -Accepted

Tathagat Banerjee, Aditya Jain, Sibi S, Suresh Satapathy, S Karthikeyan et.al (1 May 2021), “Deep Convolutional Neural Network (Falcon) and Transfer Learning-based approach to detect Malarial Parasit” in Multimedia Tools and Applications. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-021-10946-5 (SCI -Springer IF:2.757).

• Intelligent Green House Project: A greenhouse system built with sensors that control the environment inside it and create an optimal environment for the growth of a variety of plants. •

• Hack Skateboard for Virtual Reality with Arduino: To provide the user with an immersive experience in a risk-free manner from the comfort of their home.

• Health Drones, Zombie Drone Skyjack: A drone is basically an aircraft without a human pilot aboard. A skyjack or zombie drone, is basically used to control the other drones within a radius. The drone mainly seeks the wireless signal of any other drone in the area and forcefully disconnects the wireless connection of the true owner of the target drone It then authenticates with the target drone pretending to be its owner and feeds commands to it and all other possessed zombie drones.

• Raspberry Heavy Vehicle (Rasp Mobile): Reach the unreachable areas for the collectibles using our Collector.

• Autonomous Drone & Surveillance Drones

• Customizable Sorting System: Built model to sort raw and rotten fruits from the ripe ones with the help of robotic arm and pi camera using Machine Learning.

• Gesture Controlled Robotic Arm: Built a gesture controlled robotic arm using Raspberry pi, using motion and bend sensors to detect hand movements having multifaceted applications.

• Raspberry Pi Drone : Built a drone using raspberry pi board for surveillance and disaster management that can flip mid-air to avoid obstacles.

• Stress and Anxiety Predictor: Aims to create a product that produces final refined/processed date on the user end regarding both their physical and mental health.

• Electronic Travel air for small childrens: To help the visually impaired at a low cost with the help of arduino smart cane.Using this Arduino Smart Cane, a visually impaired person can walk without anyone’s help.

Completed the below specific projects :

Health Drone Development

A Complete - VITAP University Interaction Student Portal(VISP)

Complete Web Development for VIT AP School of Animation

Developing the Complete Software package for Automatic Storage and Retrieval system

VIT-SafetyRod (Anti-Sucide Prevention Device)

Automatic WAter LEvel ConTroller for Overhead Tanks(WALET-TANK)

Automatic Snake Detection for Rural India using YOLO deep learning Model

• Certified NASSCOM Trainer for “Associate Analytics (SSC/Q2101) v1.0” for the period 09.07.2020-09.07.2022 (Trainer ID:TR156100)

• Successfully completed IBM Industry certification entitled “DB2 v9.7” on 2013.

• Successfully completed Sun Industry certification entitled “SCJP” on 2009.

• Successfully completed CISCO Industry certification entitled “CCNA” on 2009.

Certified as Innovation Ambassador by Ministry of Education , Govt. of India on 20.07.2022

Post-Doctoral Fellowship(PDF)- CSE(AI&ML) at Lincoln University -Malaysia

Ph.D(CSE) - VIT University, Amaravati Campus, Andhra Pradesh, India

M.E(Software Engg)-PSG College of Technology, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

B.E(CSE)- Anna University, Chennai,Tamilnadu, India

• Best Research with Patent Award(2022) Vellore Institute of Technology – AP, Amaravati.

• Innovative Professor of the Year (26 March 2022) Asian Education Awards – Delhi

• Best Researcher Award(2021) Vellore Institute of Technology – AP, Amaravati

• Best Research with Patent Award(2021) Vellore Institute of Technology – AP, Amaravati.

• Academic Excellence Award (2020) Institute of Scholars (InSc), Karnataka, India

• Above & Beyond Award (2018) Vellore Institute of Technology – AP, Amaravati

• Most Selfless Service Award (2017) PSG Institute, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India

• Excellence Award (2017) PSG Institute, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India

• Best Performer Award (2014) Infosys Ltd, Mysore, India.

• Best Paper Award (2012) PSG College of Tech, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India

• Best Project Award (2012) KSR Group of Institutions, Erode, Tamilnadu, India

• Best Team Leader Award (2012) NIIT Ltd, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India

• Article is published with title “Analyses Logs with Elastic Search” in Opensources For You Magazine on May 2022.(Authors: Dr.Sibi , Dr.Karthikeyan, Dr.Sumathi,Dr.Kumar Debasis of VIT University,AP)

1. Patent 01: An IoT coin operated system for establishing a secure communication channel between plurality of IoT.(Indian Patent No: 202041027896 dated 10.12.2020)-Published

2. Patent 02: An IoT based Health Care System to find Medical Emergency and Initiate Expert Care. (Aus Patent No: 2020103910 dated 10.01.2021)-Granted(Innovation Grant)

3. Patent 03: Drone Assisted Healthcare Services: A Design of an Innovative Drone Healthcare Delivery (Aus Patent No: 2021100672 dated 05.05.2021)- Granted(Innovation Grant)

4. Patent 04: A Modern Map Reduce Scheduler Algorithm System Using Toilet Queuing Model (Indian Patent No: 202141030636 dated 23.07.2021)-Published

5. Patent 05: 20 Liter Water Tin with Wheels and Handles. (Indian Patent No: 2021100672 dated 10.08.2021)-Published

6. Patent 06: Modern Compact Mouse with Dual Connectivity Feature. (Indian Patent No: 202241000132 dated 21.1.2022)-Published

7. Patent 07: Snake Detector and Alerting gadget for Rural India using YOLO (Indian Patent No: 202241000131 dated 21.1.2022)-Published

8. Patent 08: Snore Alerting Pendant (SNAPT) (Indian Patent No: 202241000127 dated 14.1.2022)-Published

9. Patent 09: Wireless Automatic Water Level Controller. (Indian Patent No: 202241000133 dated 21.1.2022)-Published Description: Smart wireless water level controller for overhead and underground sump using RF communication.

10. Patent 10: Reusable Safety Fan-Rod( A device for suicide prevention) (Indian Patent No: IPR2021134 dated 25.11.2021)-Filed