Dr. Arulmurugan B

Staff Profile
Dr. Arulmurugan B
Associate Professor
Dr. Arulmurugan B
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Portfolio: Department R&D Coordinator, IWS Faculty In-Charge, Online Courses Incharge, Chief mentor - III MECH A, NBA Criteria 5 In-charge, IQAC Auditor, NAAC Criterian 3 incharge, Department Consultative Committee Member,
Areas of Interests: Welding Metallurgy, Hot Corrosion, Additive Manufacturing and Energy storage material

About me
One Book, One Teacher and One Pen can change the world

Professional Information

An Overview of the Additive Manufacturing of Bast Fiber-Reinforced Composites and Envisaging Advancements Using the Patent Landscape

Comparative studies on weldability and mechanical characteristics of semi- killed steel using different arc welding technique

Hot corrosion behaviour of constant and pulsed current welded Hastelloy X in Na2SO4, V2O5, and NaCl salt mixture at 900 °C

Processing of Aluminium-Silicon Alloy with Metal Carbide as Reinforcement through Powder-Based Additive Manufacturing: A Critical Study

Processing of aluminium-silicon alloy with metal carbide as reinforcement through powder-based additive manufacturing: a critical study

Additive Manufacturing of Nanoscale and Microscale Materials

An Overview of Stress Analysis of Composites Through Computational Modelling and Simulation with the Aid of Patent Landscape Analysis

Effect of Interfacial Bonding Characteristics on the Tensile Properties of Kenaf Fiber Reinforced Composites

Analyzing microstructural, residual stress, and mechanical characteristics in dissimilar welds of Inconel 59 and AISI 904L through double-pulsed gas metal arc welding

Advances in Gas Tungsten and Gas Metal Arc Welding – A Concise Review

Optimization of WEDM Process Parameters in Al2024-Li-Si3N4 MMC

Design and analysis of automatic toilet cleaning machine for Indian style toilets

Artificial Intelligence with Additive Manufacturing

4D Print Today and Envisaging the Trend with Patent Landscape for Versatile Applications

xperimental investigations of electrodeposited Zn–Ni, Zn–Co, and Ni–Cr–Co–based novel coatings on AA7075 substrate to ameliorate the mechanical, abrasion, morphological, and corrosion properties for automotive applications

Nanostructured metals: Optical, electrical, and mechanical properties

A Concise Review on Welding Defect Analysis and Remedial Measures of Austenitic Stainless Steel

Robotic Additive Manufacturing Vision towards Smart Manufacturing and Envisage the Trend with Patent Landscape

A Comprehensive Survey on Friction-Based Processing of AZ Series Magnesium Alloys

A Critical Review on Hygrothermal and Sound Absorption Behavior of Natural-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites

K. B. Prakash, Yahya Ali Fageehi, Rajasekaran Saminathan, P. Manoj Kumar , S. Saravanakumar, Ram Subbiah, B. Arulmurugan, and S Rajkumar, Influence of Fiber Volume and Fiber Length on Thermal and Flexural Properties of a Hybrid Natural Polymer Composite Prepared with Banana Stem, Pineapple Leaf, and S-Glass, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/6329400, SCI Indexed, IF=1.76

4. Mohan C.G , Arulmurugan B , Subramani P , Sathishkumar M, Rajamurugan, Arivazhagan N , Manikandan M, Influence of overalloyed filler wire to preclude the microsegregation in weld joint of alloy C-276, Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 56, 4, 2021, 853-856

Rajkumar, S, Arulmurugan, B, Aklilu Teklemariam, Dawit Tafesse, Addisalem Mekonnen, Lijalem Mulugeta, Taguchi optimization of drilling process parameters on LM13/10 wt% Graphene composites made by stir casting process, Materials Today: Proceedings (2021). (Scopus) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.04.603

Rajkumar,S, Arulmurugan,B, Aklilu Teklemariam, Dawit Tafesse, Addisalem Mekonnen, Lijalem Mulugeta, Investigation on mechanical properties of AA2024/HBN composites prepared by stir casting method, Materials Today: Proceedings (2021). (Scopus), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.04.593,

Mohan C.G , Arulmurugan B , Subramani P , Sathishkumar M, Rajamurugan, Arivazhagan N , Manikandan M, Influence of overalloyed filler wire to preclude the microsegregation in weld joint of alloy C-276, Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 56, 4, 2021, 853-856, [Scopus indexed ]

B Arulmurugan, D Balaji, S Rajkumar, M Kamaraj, V Mageshwaran, M Sathishkumar, M Manikandan, N Arivazhagan, “Influence of filler wire and welding process to mitigate the microsegregation of alloy C-2000 using continuous and pulsed current gas tungsten arc welding techniques” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 1-18, DOI 10.1007/s11665-021-05810-4 [SCIE indexed, Springer, Annexure 1, impact factor 1.652]

B Arulmurugan, M Sathishkumar, D Balaji, K Muralikrishnan, S Pranesh, V Praveen, K Praveen Kumar, N Arivazhagan and M Manikandan, Development of arc welding technique to preclude microsegregation in the dissimilar joint of Alloy C-2000 and C-276, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, [SCIE indexed, SAGE, Annexure 1, impact factor 1.606]

B Arulmurugan, S. Rajkumar, Lijalem Mulugeta and Nega Tesfie, “Investigation on effect of turbulence intensity and rib tabulator in moisture diffusion through membrane” International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) ISSN(P): 2249–6890; ISSN(E): 2249–8001 [Scopus indexed ]

1. B Arulmurugan, Mathiyazhan Sathish Kumar, Devarajan Balaji, Shankarlal Sathish, Sivan Rajkumar, Natarajan Arivazhagan, CD Naiju, Manoharan Manikandan, “Investigation on the Effect of Pulsed Frequency on Microstructure and Hardness of Alloy C-2000 by Current Pulsing” SAE Technical Paper, 2020-28-0420 [Scopus indexed ]

3. Aashish John, Kiran Jacob Johny, B Arulmurugan, S Rajkumar, N Arivazhagan, CD Naiju, M Manikandan “Investigation on microstructure and mechanical properties of corrosion resistance alloy C-2000 fabricated by conventional arc welding technique” SAE Technical Paper, 2019-28-0177 [Scopus indexed ]

4. B Arulmurugan, Kunjan Modi, Amrutkar Pranit Sanjay, Patil Apurva Yashwant, N Rickwith, CG Mohan, P Subramani, M Agilan, M Manikandan, N Arivazhagan. Effect of post-weld heat treatment on the microstructure and tensile properties of electron-beam-welded 21st century nickel-based super alloy 686 Sådhanå (2019) 44(2):38 [SCIE indexed, Springer, Annexure 1, impact factor 0.761]

5. S. Muthuraman S. Rajkumar, M. Sivaraj, Ramesh Rudrapati, B. Arulmurgan Experimental and Finite-Element Analysis of Tee Joint’s Stiffness Characteristics of A3003 Honeycomb Core Sandwich Panels. International Journal of Mechanics and Design, 4(2), 1-9

6. Arulmurugan B, Manikandan M. Improvement of Metallurgical and Mechanical Properties of Gas Tungsten arc Weldments of Alloy 686 by Current Pulsing, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 71(12), 2953-2970 [SCIE indexed, Springer, Annexure 1, impact factor 1.07]

7. Arulmurugan B, Manikandan M, Agilan M, Jerome S, Srikanth A, Arivarasu M, Arivazhagan N. Investigation on Metallurgical and Mechanical Properties of 21st Century Nickel-based Superalloy 686 by Electron Beam Welding Technique, Sådhanå (2018) 43:117 [SCIE indexed, Springer, Annexure 1, impact factor 0.761]

8. Arulmurugan B, Manikandan M, Investigations on Microstructure and Corrosion behavior of Superalloy 686 weldments by Electrochemical Corrosion Technique on in IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 310 (2018) 012071 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/310/1/012071 [Scopus indexed journal]

9. Arulmurugan B, Manikandan M, Development of Welding Technology for Improving the Metallurgical and Mechanical Properties of 21st Century Nickel based superalloy 686. Materials Science & Engineering A. 2017 (691) 126-140. 10.1016/j.msea.2017.03.042 [Elsevier, Annexure 1, impact factor 4.07]

M. Manikandan, N. Arivazhagan, M. Arivarasu, K. Mageshkumar, Deva N. Rajan, B. Arulmurugan , P. Prasanth, S. Sukumar, R. Vimalanathan. Analysis of Metallurgical and Mechanical Properties of Continuous and Pulsed Current Gas Tungsten Arc Welded Alloy C-276 with Duplex Stainless Steel. Trans Indian Inst Met (2017) 70(3):661–669.[ Springer, Annexure 1, impact factor 1.07]

11. S. Rajkumar, B. Arulmurugan, R. Karthick and S. Kaviprasath M. Manikandan, Analysis of Physical and Mechanical Properties of A3003 Aluminum Honeycomb Core Sandwich Panels, journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials, Transtech Publications, Switzerland, 867, pp 245-253 [ Annexure II journal]

Manikandan M, Arivarasu, M, N Arivazhagan, T Puneeth1, N Sivakumar B Arul Murugan, M Sathishkumar, S Sivalingam. High Temperature Corrosion studies on Pulsed Current Gas Tungsten Arc Welded Alloy C-276 in Molten Salt Environment. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 149 (2016) 012020 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/149/1/012020, [ Scopus indexed journal]

Manikandan M, Sasikumar P, Arul Murugan B, Sathishkumar M, Arivazhagan N, Microsegregation studies on PCTIG welding of Alloy C-276. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 12, December-2015

System For Converting Non-Segregated Waste Material Into Synthesized Dough for 3D Printing -Patent Grant

B.E - Mechanical Engineering (2004-2008) - 78.4% First Class with Distinction - VSB Engineering College, Karur

M.Tech (CAD/CAM) - 8.91 CGPA- First class with Distinction - VIT University, Vellore

Ph.D - Welding Metallurgy - (2016-2019)- VIT University, Vellore

NPTEL Discipline Star during April 2021

Recognized as “NPTEL Star - Motivated Learner” during December 2019

Recognized as “NPTEL Star – Domain Scholar- Material Joining” during December 2019

Toy to Learn Life Sciences

System For Converting Non-Segregated Waste Material Into Synthesized Dough for 3D Printing

Method of Preparing Brick From Tendu Leaves (Patent No:202041021998 A)

Method of Preparing Brick from Waste Material (Patent No:202041021999 A)

Fan blades with holes for better cooling (Patent No: 202041020818A)

Computers with hybrid phase change material (Patent No: 202041020819A)

Performance Augmentation in a table fan outlet (Patent No: 201641042946)

Performance Augmentation in a Ceiling fan outlet (Patent No: 201641042948)

Computers with hybrid phase change material (Patent No: 202041020819A)

Enhanced window for effective protection from wind (Patent No: 201741047175)

Indian Welding Society Life Member - L01644

• ISTE Life Membership - LM 106711
