Dr Saravanan R

Staff Profile
Dr Saravanan R
Associate Professor
Dr Saravanan R
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
Portfolio: UBA Co-ordinator
Areas of Interests: Synthesis and Characterization of Hetero-cyclic Polyamides, Adsorption Studies, Water treatment

About me
I have been working 9 years in this institution.

Professional Information

Polymeric Substitution of Triazole Moieties in Cellulosic Schiff Base for Heavy Metal Complexation Studies

Renewable modified cellulose bearing chelating Schiff base for adsorptive removal of heavy metal ions and antibacterial action

Adsorption Equilibrium and Kinetic studies on Effective removal of Heavy metals onto Modified Cellulose Bearing Schiff base with Pyridine chelating groups from Aqueous Solution.

Cellulose bearing Schiff base and carboxylic acid chelating groups a low cost and green adsorbent for heavy metal ion removal from aqueous solution

The use of new chemically modified cellulose for heavy metal ion adsorption and antimicrobial activities.

Synthesis of Soluble, Curable, and Thermally Stable Aromatic Polyamides Bearing Thiourea and Pendent 4-Pyridylformylimino Groups.

Synthesis of Soluble, Curable, and Thermally Stable Aromatic Polyamides Bearing Thiourea and Pendent 4-Pyridylformylimino Groups.

Chelating Modified Cellulose Bearing pendant Heterocyclic Moiety for Effective Removal of Heavy Metals

Synthesis and Characterization of New Polyamides with Substitutions in the Pendent Benzylidene Rings.



ORCID ID:0000-0002-8988-9808