Dr Janagi K

Staff Profile
Dr Janagi K
Assistant Professor (Sl .G.)
Dr Janagi K
Assistant Professor (Sl .G.)
Department of Maths
Portfolio: Associate Head-Department of Mathematics, IQAC-S&H Coordinator Co-Convener-WEC; Head, Dance Club; Member, Grievances and Redressal Committee
Areas of Interests: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Differential Equations, Fractional Differential Equations

About me
Assistant Professor (Sl.G) and Associate Head of Mathematics with 19 years of teaching experience. Doctoral degree under Anna University in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics and published papers in various reputed Scopus Indexed International Journals.

Professional Information

K.Janagi, S.Sivasankaran, M.Bhuvaneswari, M.Eswaramurthi, Influence of density inversion and sinusoidal heating on dual diffusive convection in a water saturated square porous box, IOP Conference series: Journal of Physics,1139 (2018) 012072

K.Janagi, S.Sivasankaran, M.Bhuvaneswari, M.Eswaramurthi, Free Convection of Water near its Density Maximum in a Heat Generating Porous Cavity with Sinusoidal Heating, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 390 (2018) 012095

K.Janagi, S.Sivasankaran, M.Bhuvaneswari, M.Eswaramurthi, Numerical study on free convection of cold water in a square porous cavity heated with sinusoidal wall temperature, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 27 No. 4, 2017 pp. 1000-1014

Sivanandam Sivasankaran and Kandasamy Janagi, Numerical Study on Mixed Convection Flow and Energy Transfer in an Inclined Channel Cavity: Effect of Baffle Size, Mathematical and Computational Applications, 2022, 27, 9.

S. Sivashankaran, M. Bhuvaneswaran, K. Janagi, Free convection in an inclined porous cavity with sinusoidal heating on sidewalls, Materials today Proceedings, Volume 59, Part1, 2022.