Dr Raja N

Staff Profile
Dr Raja N
Assistant Professor (Sl .G.)
Dr Raja N
Assistant Professor (Sl .G.)
Department of Maths
Portfolio: Member of Centre For Academic Courses
Areas of Interests: Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Modelling and Differential Equations Computational Fluid Dynamics, Heat and Fluid flow problems,

About me
I am currently working in the area of Computational Fluid Dynamics.

Professional Information

Coupled radiative and convective heat transfer in enclosures: Effect of inner heater–enclosure wall emissivity contrast

Combined radiation-convection in an air filled enclosure with in-line heaters

Effect of Variable Sidewall Temperatures on the Combined Surface Radiation—Convection in a Discretely Heated Enclosure

Convective Instability in a Throughflow Imosed Heat Generating Porous Medium with a Gravity Gradient