Dr Ganeshkumar D

Staff Profile
Dr Ganeshkumar D
Dr Ganeshkumar D
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Portfolio: CFTIE, IIPC Co-convener, Tamil mandram
Areas of Interests: Virtual Instrumentation, Process Control, Medical Electronics, Tamil Literature and Music.

About me
B.E (EIE) M.E (AE) Ph.D (ICE) Approved Research Supervisor, 21 years of Teaching experience, Principal Investigator for DST Project

Professional Information

Virtual Instrumentation Based Comparative Technique for Vibration Analysis and Energy Loss Calculation - International Journal of Electrical Engineering ISSN 0974-2158 Volume 6, Number 1 (2013), pp. 33-46. (Scopus Indexed)

Clock Related Flip-Flop with Sleepy Transistor Merging For Power Saving - International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol.4, Issue 20, 2015, DOI 10.17148 pp. 1-5. ISSN: 2278-1021, April 2015

PSO Based PI Controller for Improvement of Power Quality Based on Four-Leg Shunt Active Power Filter - International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Volume 4, Special Issue 2, April 2015.

A Novel Cuk Converter Topology for Electric Vehicle On-Board Battery Charger. - International Journal of applied Engineering Research, Volume 10, ISSN0973-4562, March 2015. (Scopus Indexed)

A Classification Approach for Human Action Recognition by 3D CNN - International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10, Issue.9, pp.7663-7666 ISSN 0973-4562, March 2015 (Scopus Indexed)

Four leg shunt active power filter for power quality improvement using PI and fuzzy controllers - International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Vol.4, Issue.2, pp.0417-.0423, ISSN:2278-7798, February 2015

Harmonic Reduction Using Shunt Active Power Filter With PI Controller - International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER), Vol.2, Issue 4, pp. 85-90, ISSN: 2347-3878, April 2014

Comparative study on control strategy for Harmonic reduction in three phases four wire system - International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2014.

Image Denoising Based on Non- Local means algorithm - International Journal of computer science Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 101-106 ISSN:2319-7323 March 2014.

A Data Mining Approach on Various Classifiers in Email Spam Filtering - International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Vol.3, Special Issue 1, pp. 8-14, ISSN No.: 2321-9653, May 2015.

Investigations on Heavy Machinery Vibrations and Energy Loss Calculation using LabVIEW - European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.77, No.4, pp.589-598, 2012. (Scopus Indexed)

Ganeshkumar D, Krishnaswamy K, ‘Intelligent Bearing Tester using LabVIEW’ Journal of Instrument Society Of India, Vol.39, Article5, 2011

Virtual Instrumentation based Heavy Machinery Vibration Analysis - Lambert Academic Publishing - 2019

Medical Electronics - Charulatha Publications 2019

வெற்றியின் வேர்கள் (இணை ஆசிரியர்) - வாலி பதிப்பகம், சென்னை. 2019

Communication Engineering - Charulatha Publications 2020

Microstrip Antenna Design for Wireless Applications Chapter 15: Importance and uses of Microstrip Antenna in IoT: Opportunities and challenges 1st Edition - CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group 2021

Analysis and Prediction of Epilepsy using Heart Rate by Application of Ensemble Learning and Linear Regression - Journal of Physics doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1916/1/012213 (Scopus Indexed)

Virtual Instrumentation Based Parameters Monitoring And Speed Control Of PMBLDC Motor Using PID Controller - International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.10 No.64, pp.131-135 ISSN: 0973-4562, June 2015 (Scopus Indexed)

Power Quality Improvement Using Four Leg Shunt Active Power Filter - International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.10 No.22 pp. 43207-43214, ISSN: 0973-4562, Dec 2015 (Scopus Indexed)

Two Dimensional Lifting Discrete Wavelet Transform Based Image Compression by Le-Gall Wavelet Filter Bank - Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 243-248, 2016 ISSN 1990-9233; © IDOSI Publications, 2016, DOI: 10.5829 / idosi.mejsr.2016.24.IIECS.23167

A Low Complexity and High Accuracy ECG Detection and Recording Based on Wavelet Transform - Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 286-292, 2016, ISSN 1990-9233; © IDOSI Publications, 2016, DOI: 10.5829 / idosi.mejsr.2016.24.IIECS.23175, 2016

An Efficient Particle Swarm Optimization Technique for 4-Leg Shunt Active Power Filter - International Journal of Circuits and Systems, Vol.7, 2016, pp. 1546-1559, (WOS Indexed)DOI.10.4236.cs.2016.78135

Optimization of Network Lifetime using Layer Determination Scheme with Node Rotation - Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 6, No. 9, September 2016, pp. 608-618. ISSN 2249-7315 (WOS Indexed) DOI NUMBER: 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.00821.2

Performance Analysis for Qualitative Evaluation with Comparative study for Designing Energy Efficient Algorithm for Wireless SENSOR Networks - Journal of Applied Biotechnology & Bioengineering, Volume 4 Issue 3 – 2017, December 21, 2017

Neutral Current Compensation using Four Leg Shunt Active power filter - International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, ISSN NO: 2279-543X, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2018, pp 374-384, February 2018 (UGC Approved)

eVoting System for Citizens in Valid Outstation - International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Scopus Indexed) Volume 118, No.22, pp 779-785, March 2018.

Enhanced Reconfigurable Viterbi Decoder with NoC for OFDM Block of a Wireless Standard - International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology, Volume 12, Issue 4, pp. 51-55, March 2019, ISSN: 2319-1058.

Hybrid Variable Latency Carry Skip Adder in Multiple Structures - International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (Scopus Indexed) Volume-8, Issue-4, April 2019. ISSN: 2249-8958.

High Speed Multiplier Design Using Kogge Stone Adder - International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (Scopus Indexed) Volume-7, Issue-6S5, April 2019, ISSN: 2277-3878.

Air and Sound Pollution Monitoring System using Cloud Computing - International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 9 Issue 06, June-2020

Efficient and secure data hiding in video sequence with three layer security: an approach using chaos -SCI/Springer: Multimedia Tools and Applications https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-10324-7

Wearable device to Assist visually and hearing impaired people - Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Volume 50, Issue 03, March-2021 (Scopus Indexed)

1.Inspection of products in conveyor system using Microcontroller (2008)

2. Weather monitoring system using LabVIEW (2009)

3. Digital Notice board (2010)

4. Remarkable project on ‘LabVIEW based Carnatic Raga Composer using Voice Recognition’ (2011)

5. On board signal conditioning and DAS (2012)

6. Rope Winding machine for Coir Industries (2016), Received Best Project Award at PACET(8th Annual Day) on 6th March 2019

7. Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy using Classifiers (2018)

8. Enhanced Reconfigurable Viterbi Decoder with NoC for OFDM Block of a Wireless Standard, Received Best Project Award at PACET (11th Annual Day) on 18th March 2019.

9. Grant received from ICMR Rs.40,000/- for conducting Two day Seminar on “Nanobots: An Ultimate Transition in Medical Era for Guarding against Infections” during Feb 15-16, 2018 at P.A. College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi

An Automated IoT based Solar Panelized Washing Machine (Patent)

Design of an Autonomous Mobile Robot using Sensor Fusion for Dynamic Interaction (Patent)

Wearable Device for Curing Eye Problems (Patent)

A Portable Heating Article (Patent)

13. Grant received from ICMR Rs.30,000/- for conducting Two day Seminar on “Next Generation Medical Scanning to Diagnose and Treat Diseases using Super Spectroscopy” to be conducted during August 2-3, 2018 at P.A. College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi.

12. Grant received from CSIR Rs.25,000/- for conducting Two day Seminar on “Molecular Robots: Acute Machinery for Molecular Transportation in DNA” to be conducted during June 21-22, 2018 at P.A. College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi.

11. Grant received from CSIR Rs.25,000/- for conducting Two day Seminar on “Nano Scale MOSFET Modeling for the Low Power Analog & RF Circuits” to be conducted” during June 7-8, 2018 at P.A. College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi.

10. Grant received from ICMR Rs.40,000/- for conducting Two day Seminar on “Recent research in biomimetic devices: a platform for improving neural disorder” conducted ” during May 3-4, 2018 at P.A. College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi.

1. Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India sanctioned financial assistance Rs.13.10 lakhs for the Project “Design & Development of Test bench for Sound and Vibration Analysis in Electrical Machines using Virtual Instrumentation” – JTP Scheme - Letter No. DST/TSG/ICT/2005/40 dated 6.2.2007, received on 17.02.2007 as Principal Investigator.

8. Grant received from ICMR Rs.40,000/- for conducting Two day Seminar on Recent Advances in Ventricular Assist Devices: A Scope for Improving Cardiac Support during Sep 20-21, 2017 at P.A. College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi.

7. Grant received from CSIR Rs.55,000/- for conducting Two day Seminar on Organic Bioelectronics: Bridging The Signaling Gap Between Biology & Technology during Sep 07-08, 2017 at P.A. College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi.

6. Grant received Rs.5,79,960/- for implementing Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna at P. A. College of Engineering and Technology for the Courses Set Top Box Installer Service Trainer, Lathe Operator Trainer and CNC Operator Machning vide Ref. Number F.No.2-7/SDC/PMKVY/SRO/16-17/1-2811200836 dated 16 January 2017.

5. Grant received from CSIR Rs.30,000/- for conducting Two day Seminar on Light Fidelity (Li-Fi)- The Bright Future of 5G Visible Light Communication Systems during March 27-28,2017 at P.A. College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi.

4. Got seminar grant Rs.40,000/- from Department of Space (ISRO), Govt. of India for the seminar on “Advances in Nano Satellite Technologies” vide Sanction Order No: B.19012 / 116 /2016-Sec.2 dated 15.09.2016, . Seminar conducted on 7th to 8th October 2016.

3. Got seminar grant Rs.30,000/- from Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) for the seminar on “Recent trends in Smart and Wireless Instrumentation” vide lettter No: 2012/17/34/82/49-BRNS/1458 dated 14.09.2012, from Dept. of Atomic Energy. Seminar conducted on 4th to 5th January 2013.

2. Got sanctioned Rs. 8,00,000/- from AICTE funding for implementing Industry Institute Partnership Cell as Co-ordinator of the Cell. Ref No:IIPC/46/08/09, 30/03/2009, Letter No: 200-22/FIN/2001-2002/2667/ 759

Completed “LabVIEW Basic I and II” certification course at National Instruments, Bangalore during 23-27, June 2003 and trained more than 300 students in LabVIEW. DAQ Cards Handled: PCI 6024E, 6025E, SCC 2345, USB 6008, USB 6009 M-series cards

Certified from Bosch Rexroth, Bangalore on “Industrial Automation Technology”, after One month training from 25th August to 26th September 2011.

“Certified Master Trainer for Foundation Skills in Integrated Product Development” conducted by Anna University organized at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore from 26th to 30th November 2015

“Design Thinking” Certification from Taylors University, Malaysia

Ph.D (Information and Communication Engineering), Anna University, Chennai - November 2013

M.E (Applied Electronics), Kongu Engineering College, Anna University - June 2005 (First Class with Distinction)

B.E (Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering), Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Bharathiar University - April 1999 (First Class )

“IE (I) Outstanding Engineer Award 2021” in 54th Engineers’ Day celebrations 2021, Institute of Engineers (India), Coimbatore Local Centre (15.09.2021)

Recognition from “IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement” as “Top 70 Most Productive Reviewers in the Past 7 Years”, IEEE TIM 70th Year Anniversary Celebrations, July 2020

Active SPOC Recognition(July – December 2019) from IIT Madras for NPTEL Activities, Chairman, NPTEL PIC, Director, IIT Madras (JAN 2020)

Recognized as an “Outstanding Reviewers of 2018” by IEEE for the Reviewership in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

Certified ISO Internal Auditor for ISO 9000:2015, Horizon Technical Academy, Coimbatore (JAN 2019)

Active SPOC Recognition(July – October 2018) from IIT Madras for NPTEL Activities

Adarsh Vidya Saraswati Rashtriya Puraskar Award, Glacier Journal Research Foundation, Global Management Council, Ahmedabad, Gujarat (MAY 2018)

Best Paper Award, Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore (MAR 2016)

Certified Master Trainer for Foundation Skills in Integrated Product Development, Anna University, Chennai organized at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore (NOV 2015)

The Best Faculty in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, P. A. College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi (2014-2015)

IEEE Young Professional Member, IEEE Madras Section (2014 & 2015)

Letter of Appreciation for the preparation of Teaching Support Materials on Consultancy basis, for the Bachelor of Engineering Technology Program in Electronics and Controls of Autralian College of Kuwait.

Best Placement Co-ordinator Award, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai (2006-2007)

Best Staff Award, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai (2005-2006)

Secured Dharapuram Taluk level First mark in Higher Secondary Examination - May 1995

10. Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements. Total papers reviewed from 2013 to 2020 are 39.

18. Life Member in Biomedical Engineering Society of India (LM 1333) since September 2021.

17. Member, Asian Council of Science Editors, LiveDNA, Membership No: 91.12211 http://theacse.com from July 21, 2021 to December, 2022.

16. Member, Board of Studies, Dept. of ECE & BME, SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.

15. Reviewer for International Journal for Engineering Research and Technology from March 2020

14. Editorial Board Member in Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems (ACIS) from 2020

13. Reviewer for American Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering from 2019

12. Member from 2008 and Executive Member from 2019 in Pollachi Tamilisai Sangam.

11. Editorial Board Member for Glacier Journal of Scientific Research from May 2018.

Fellow Member (FIE) in Institute of Engineers (India) (F-1252145) since 30 April 2019

9. Past Member in International Society for Automation, USA (DRMAH 33243414)

8. Member in IAENG (International Association of Engineers 164766) since 11 January 2016

7. Approved “Chartered Engineer” (000819) under Institute of Engineers (India) since 31 August 2016

6. Life Member in Indian Society for Technical Education (LM 59935) since 2005.

5. Acted as a IEEE Student Branch Counselor (14241) for the period 2014 to 2016.

4. Past IEEE Young Professional Member for 2014 to 2015 for IEEE MAS Section.

3. Life Member in Instrument Society of India (LM 1846) since 2008.

2. Valid Senior IEEE Member (Membership Number 90385611) and Instrumentation & Measurement Society Member for past 13 years.