Dr. Subramanian M

Staff Profile
Dr. Subramanian M
Assistant Professor (Sr. G.)
Dr. Subramanian M
Assistant Professor (Sr. G.)
Department of Maths
Portfolio: Serving as Reviewer for International Journals: • Mathematics (MDPI, SCIE, IF: 2.258, Q1) • Symmetry (MDPI, SCIE, IF: 2.713, Q2) • Fractal and Fractional (MDPI, SCIE, IF: 3.313, Q1) • Materials (MDPI, SCIE, IF: 3.623, Q1) • Sensors (MDPI, SCIE, IF: 3.847, Q2) • Discontinuity, Nonlinearity and Complexity (L & H, Scopus, Q3)
Areas of Interests: Boundary value problems, Differential equations, Fixed point theory, Fractional derivatives, integrals, Nonlinear analysis.

About me
Dr. Subramanian M. is setting a new path for how to reach and gain mathematical knowledge and replicate it in real life applications. His commitment towards research is changing the way of handling mathematics from abstract to practical. He specializes in fractional differential equations. As Assistant Professor at KPRIET, he emphasis the opportunity to explore the possible collaborations in his field.

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