Processor and System Design Laboratory (PSD Lab), KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

Processor and System Design (PSD)

Processor and System Design Laboratory (PSD Lab)


Processor and System Design lab helps the students to enhance their knowledge on architecture, programming and interfacing of various processors and microcontrollers. This laboratory enables the students to design and implement various Embedded System applications using basic microcontrollers. This laboratory enhances the logical and programming skills of the students in basic assembly language and embedded C language. Gaining knowledge in microcontrollers are very important in implementing real time projects and it also helps the students to be in par with the skills required in the embedded system industries. This laboratory has all the modern Microcontrollers and interfacing modules which can be implemented for projects as well as experiments and tested. Students from other branch of engineering and sciences also utilize this lab and develop their skills in the field of embedded, microprocessor and its applications. The features and facilities available in this lab will help the students to do their projects and enhance their knowledge on the latest trends and technologies.

Core Areas
Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems
Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Courses offered
8085 Microprocessor Trainer kit
8085 Microprocessor Trainer kit

Intel 8085A CPU @ 6.144 MHz Clock speed.
RAM : 8KB expandable upto 32KB, Jumper selectable.
EPROM : 8KB expandable upto 32KB, Jumper selectable.
6 digit 7Segment RED LED Display.

8086 Microprocessor Trainer kit
8086 Microprocessor Trainer kit

16KB for monitor EPROM upgradable to 64kb
16KB RAM expandable to 64KB
16 x 2 (or) 20 x 4 Alphanumeric LCD display
101 keys IBM compatible keyboard
24 TTL I/O lines brought out to two nos., of 26 pin FRC connector

8051 Microcontroller Trainer kit
8051 Microcontroller Trainer kit

Core :NXP89C51RD2 / 8051
Internal Memory :64KB Flash, 1KB RAM
External Memory :64KB EPROM, 64KB RAM
16 Digital Outputs - SMD LED Interface.
16 Digital Inputs - Switch Interface.
20X4 Character LCD Interface.
I2C Peripherals

Keyboard & Display Interface Board
Keyboard & Display Interface Board

Display Interface: 6 No of Seven Segment
Matrix Key Interface: 18 No of snap on keys
Simultaneous Keyboard and Display operation.
6-character Display
8 character keyboard FIFO
Right or Left entry 6 Byte Display RAM
Programmable Scan Timing

ARM 7 Embedded Trainer Kit
ARM 7 Embedded Trainer Kit

8 Nos. Point LEDs (Logic Output)
8 Nos. Digital Input(SLIDE Switch)
2 Nos. Analog Input (Potentiometer)
2*16 Char LCD Interface (Optional)
Temperature Sensor(LM35)
Internal RTC with Battery-Backup.
1 No. UART(RS232)

CORTEX M4 Development Kit
CORTEX M4 Development Kit

Operating upto 168MHz
196Kbytes of SRAM
2.4 MSPS Analog to Digital Converter
Two Nos. of Potentiometer interface for ADC input.
Two Nos. of DAC with simultaneous conversion
1MB On-Chip Flash.
4 Nos. of User LEDs, Relay Interface.

ARM-7 LPC 2148 KIT
ARM-7 LPC 2148 KIT

16/32-BIT ARM7TDMI Microcontroller in LQFP64 package
40 KB of on chip static RAM
512 KB of On-chip flash memory
High Speed 60 MHZ operation
Input Voltage: 4.5 V ~ 6.5 V
Low Power Real Time Clock

PIC Embedded Trainer Kit
PIC Embedded Trainer Kit

CPU: Microchip 16F877A / 18F452 Microcontroller
8 LEDs to display Digital Output.
8 Switches to give Digital Input each indicated by LED
16*2 Alphanumeric LCD
4 digit Seven segment displays
vCPU: Microcontroller ATMEL Atmega32
ISP Programming facility

Other equipments
KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Avinashi Road, Arasur, Coimbatore, India
+91 422 263 5600
Admission 2025 - 2026

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Monday to Saturday, 09:00 am to 04:00 pm (Indian Standard Time)