Workshop on "Data Visualization using Power BI", KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

Workshop on "Data Visualization using Power BI"

Hybrid Event
Workshop on "Data Visualization using Power BI"
Workshop Institute
Apr 27, 2022
08:00 AM to 08:00 AM
Workshop on "Data Visualization using Power BI" Workshop on "Data Visualization using Power BI"

                 The program was organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering department in association with ISTE Faculty Chapter on 27.04.2022 from 09.00 AM to 4.30 PM. The objective of the program is to give basic knowledge and awareness about Data Science and one of the data visualization tools Power BI. Our resource person Dr Devipriya A gave brief introduction about Data and Data Science and the need to visualize it. She also introduce the tool Power BI and its components. Ms Jency A Jebamani delivered the session on how to install Power BI and how to import and visualize data on it. The afternoon session is engaged as hands-on session and make all the participants to install Power BI in their laptop and visualize the sample dataset. Total of 42 participants attended the program. The workshop was successfully completed with Q&A session and feedback session.


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