IDEATHON, KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India


Hybrid Event
Competition Dept. Level
Feb 16, 2023
10:00 AM to 10:00 AM
IDEATHON FIESTAA '23 IDEATHON is KPRIET'S most exciting innovation and entrepreneurship competition for  students. This competition engages with youth to help them discover and develop their entrepreneurial skills. The competition aims to encourage the spirit of innovation and harness the enormous potential of  students to think big and dream of futuristic ideas. Students are guided to identify societal problems and propose solutions. IDEATHON is a 3-Stage Competition with exciting rewards and recognition opportunities for Students. ABOUT THE EVENT It is an 4 hour IDEATHON Event. There will be a 3 Reviews Accordingly. You will be provided with an problem statement and evaluated with your drafting ideas to the problem, if demo output is available you will graded with high score. The problem statements will be based on the three domains :  Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML). Internet of Things (IoT). Full Stack Development Web3 RULES AND REGULATION Ideathon teams will be a maximum of 3 people.   Teams should be made up exclusively of students who are not organizers, volunteers, judges, sponsors, or in any other privileged position at the event.   All team members should be present at the event. Leaving the venue for some time to hack elsewhere is fine . Teams can of course gain advice and support from organizers, volunteers, and others . Teams can use libraries, frameworks, or API’s code in their projects.   Working on a project before the event and open-sourcing it for the sole purpose of using the code during the event is against the spirit of the rules and is not allowed.   However, teams are allowed to debug and make small fixes to their programs after time is up. e.g. If during demoing your hack you find a bug that breaks your application and the fix is only a few lines of code, it’s okay to fix that. Making large changes or adding new features is not allowed. Teams can be disqualified from the competition at the organizers’ discretion. Reasons might include but are not limited to breaking the Competition Rules, behaving in a way that violates the UQ code of conduct or other unsporting behavior.   NOTE*           THE PARTICIPATANTS SHOULD BRING THEIR OWN LAPTOP (At least One per Team is recommended) and BELONGINGS (Hardware Components, If needed) DATE         : 16TH FEB 2023 VENUE     : CSE DEPARTMENT --> 2nd FLOOR --> III CSE A & C TIMINGS : 10.00 AM TO 2.00 PM """SPOT REGISTRATION AVAILABLE"


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