GATE MOTIVATIONAL PROGRAM , KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

UG Courses

Offline (With in the campus)
Expert Talk Cell|Committee
Sep 27, 2023
11:30 AM to 12:45 PM
Thanam hall
Career Advancement Cell

How to Crack GATE, ESE, PSU exams in first attempt


The following topic were discussed during motivational Talk.

  1. How to Crack GATE, ESE, PSU exams in first attempt easily

  2. GATE direct opportunities to the engineering Graduates

  3. Opportunities through GATE exam

  4. PSU's through GATE exam

  5. Important career opportunities for engineering Graduates

  6. GATE Syllabus

  7. Weightage of syllabus to both circuit and non- circuit branches.

  8. GATE eligibility criteria

  9. Stipend to GATE scorer every month for ME/M.TECH

  10. Stipend to GATE scorer every month for Direct PhD.

  11. Importance of GATE score

  12. Salient features of GATE

  13. Validity of GATE score

  14. How to become scientist through GATE exam score

  15. What ACE Academy offers to the students to crack GATE exam score?

  16. Is it possible to Crack GATE, ESE, PSU exams in first attempt?

    Expert from ACE Academy Mr .Pabba Ramesh - speaker - career guidance, delivered the motivation talk to the students.

Around 143 Students from Various departments attended this GATE motivational program and cleared their doubt. Mechanical, Chemical and Civil Engineering students attended this GATE motivational program. Overall, this program provides an insight to the aspiring students how to crack GATE, ESE, PSU exams in first attempt easily.


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