PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES AROUND US AND PSYCHOTHERAPIST WITHIN US, KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

UG Courses

Offline (With in the campus)
Association Activity Dept. Level
Oct 12, 2023
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Mechatronics Engineering

Psychological Issues Around Us and the Psychotherapist Within Us' is a thought-provoking event that aims to explore the intricate realm of mental health and self-discovery. This seminar is crafted to cultivate a more profound comprehension of the psychological hurdles that we encounter in our daily lives and the potential within each of us to act as our own psychotherapist to navigate these complexities. By participating in this enlightening and insightful seminar, attendees can gain valuable insights into their own mental well-being and learn strategies to address psychological challenges effectively. This event promises to be an enriching experience for anyone interested in personal growth and mental health awareness.

  • The event should promote a greater understanding of the psychological issues that are prevalent in our society, such as stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges. Participants should leave with a heightened awareness of the issues affecting them and those around them.

  • A more open discussion of mental health topics can help reduce the stigma associated with seeking help. Attendees should leave the event with a more empathetic and compassionate view of mental health struggles, both in themselves and in others.

  • Participants should gain insights into their own psychological well-being and learn about ways to tap into their inner psychotherapist. This can involve tools for self-reflection, self-help techniques, and strategies for personal growth.

  • Organizers should receive positive feedback from attendees, indicating that the event was enlightening, insightful, and beneficial in fostering a deeper understanding of psychological issues and personal growth.

  • Ultimately, the event's success should be measured by the long-term impact on the mental well-being of participants. This might include reduced instances of untreated mental health issues, greater community support, and improved overall psychological health and resilience among attendees.


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