RESUME BUILDING-HOW TO CRAFT THE RESUME, KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

UG Courses

Offline (With in the campus)
Workshop Dept. Level
Oct 12, 2023
04:30 PM to 06:00 PM
First year MI Class room
Mechatronics Engineering

Students are able to identify and comprehend the key components of a resume, including contact information, summary or objective, professional experience, education, skills, and additional sections.

  1. Understanding Resume Components

    • Students should be able to identify and comprehend the key components of a resume, including contact information, summary or objective, professional experience, education, skills, and additional sections.

  2. Formatting Proficiency:

    • Develop skills in creating a well-structured and visually appealing resume. Understand the importance of consistency, legible fonts, and appropriate formatting.

  3. Tailoring Resumes for Specific Jobs:

    • Gain the ability to customize resumes for different job applications. Understand the importance of aligning skills and experiences with specific job requirements.

  4. Showcasing Achievements:

    • Learn how to highlight achievements and quantify results in the professional experience section, using action verbs to effectively communicate impact.

  5. Effective Language and Keywords:

    • Understand the significance of using clear, concise language. Learn how to incorporate relevant keywords from job descriptions to enhance resume visibility in applicant tracking systems (ATS).

  6. Professional Summary/Objective Writing:

    Develop the skill to craft a compelling professional summary or objective that succinctly communicates career goals and value propositions.

By the end of the session, students should feel more equipped to create a compelling and tailored resume that effectively communicates their qualifications to potential employer


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World is transforming everyday. In the rapidly evolving engineering landscape, we have an Increased responsibility to transform the engineering education from traditional curriculum to meet the 21st century skills like Creativity, Critical Thinking, Collaboration and Communication. Through our unique and strategic approach we enable our students to learn beyond and prepare them for life long success.

21st Century Engineering College