IMPORTANCE OF UML TOOL AND ITS BENIFITS, KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

UG Courses

Offline (Outside the campus)
Expert Talk Dept. Level
Jan 22, 2024
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Computer Science and Engineering
  • Improved proficiency in using Umbrello Modeller for system modeling.

  • Enhanced problem-solving skills related to software design and development.

  • Practical knowledge transfer that can be applied in academic projects and future professional endeavors.

  • Increased awareness of the industry relevance of the skills acquired during the lecture.

This event aims to empower third-year computer science students with practical insights and skills that bridge theoretical knowledge with real-world applications, preparing them for challenges they may encounter in their academic and professional journeys.


The department of CSE organized the expert lecture titled 'UML UMBERLLO MODEL' on 22.01.2024 through Zoom Meet. Mr. Naveenkumar M, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE introduced the expert Mr. Shardul K, Software Engineer, TietoEVRY, Pune.

  1. Introduction to UML and Umbrello: Mr. Shardul K commenced the event by introducing the fundamentals of UML and its importance in the software development life cycle. The focus then shifted to the specific features and capabilities of the Umbrello Modeller.

  2. Importance of Umbrello in Software Development: The speaker delved into the critical role played by Umbrello in visualizing, designing, and documenting software systems. Practical examples were provided to highlight how using Umbrello contributes to improved communication and collaboration within development teams.

  3. Real-world Applications in IT Sectors: Mr. Shardul K shared insights into how Umbrello is effectively utilized in various IT sectors. Case studies and success stories were presented, showcasing the tool's adaptability and impact on enhancing the efficiency of software development processes.

  4. Identifying Actors and Use Cases: The audience actively participated in a hands-on session where they learned how to identify actors and use cases from a given problem statement. Practical exercises facilitated a deeper understanding of the importance of clear requirements for effective system design.

  5. From Class Diagram to Code Generation: The final segment focused on the practical application of Umbrello in translating a class diagram into executable code. A live demonstration, coupled with sample projects, elucidated the seamless transition from design artifacts to the actual implementation.

Audience Engagement:

The interactive nature of the event encouraged active participation from attendees. Questions were welcomed and addressed throughout the seminar, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas. The practical exercises and live demonstrations provided students with valuable hands-on experience.

Closing Remarks:

In his closing remarks, Mr. Shardul K reiterated the importance of incorporating UML tools like Umbrello into the skill set of aspiring software developers. He encouraged students to explore further and apply the knowledge gained in their academic projects and future careers.


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