EFFECTIVE RESEARCH ARTICLE WRITING AND ACADEMIC PUBLISHING, KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

UG Courses

Offline (Outside the campus)
Workshop (online) Dept. Level
Feb 10, 2024
10:00 AM to 04:00 PM
Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Contribution to Knowledge: Well-written research articles contribute to the body of knowledge in a specific field by presenting new findings, insights, and theories. This helps advance the field and build upon existing research.Academic and Professional Recognition: Authors of effective research articles gain recognition and credibility within their academic or professional communities. Publishing in reputable journals or conferences can enhance one's reputation


he Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, is organized a workshop on Effective research Article Writing and Academic Publishing on 10/02/2024. Effective research article writing and academic publishing are essential skills for researchers and scholars looking to disseminate their work and contribute to the academic community. The resource person Dr A Karthick Associate Professor started the session with the basics of scientific writing and suggestions for the best article writing. Collaboration Opportunities: Effective research articles can lead to collaborations with other researchers, fostering a network of like-minded professionals and enhancing the scope and impact of your work. Educational Use: Research articles serve as valuable educational resources, providing material for courses and helping students understand and learn about a particular subject. Problem Solving: Effective research articles often propose solutions to problems or challenges within a field, thus offering potential practical benefits to society or specific industries. Hands on practice session on reference manager and plotting tools. The article submission process and journal finder is discussed. The participant from the various parts of the India.


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