BUILDING FULL-STACK APPLICATIONS WITH REACT AND NODE.JS, KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

UG Courses

Offline (With in the campus)
Expert Talk Dept. Level
Feb 10, 2024
11:30 AM to 01:00 PM
Elective class room
Computer Science and Engineering

students are able to understand the concept of nodejs and mongoDB


Points Discussed:

During the interactive session on react and node js, the following points were discussed:

1.      Introduction to React and Node.js: Providing an overview of React for frontend development and Node.js for backend development.

2.      Setting Up the Development Environment: Discussing how to set up the development environment for both frontend (React) and backend (Node.js), including installing necessary dependencies and tools.

3.      Creating a RESTful API with Node.js: Explaining how to create a RESTful API using Node.js with frameworks like Express.js, including handling routes, requests, and responses.

4.      Database Integration: Discussing how to integrate a database (e.g., MongoDB, PostgreSQL) with Node.js for storing and retrieving data.

5.      React Components and State Management: Explaining React component structure, state, and props, and introducing state management libraries like Redux or context API for managing application state.

6.      API Integration: Discussing how to make API requests from a React application to the backend built with Node.js, including handling asynchronous operations.

7.      Authentication and Authorization: Explaining how to implement authentication and authorization in a full-stack application using techniques like JWT (JSON Web Tokens) and middleware in Node.js.

8.      Frontend Routing: Discussing how to implement client-side routing in a React application using libraries like React Router.

9.      Error Handling: Explaining techniques for error handling both on the frontend and backend, including how to handle errors returned from API requests.

10.  Deployment: Discussing strategies for deploying both frontend and backend applications to production environments, including considerations for hosting providers, server setup, and CI/CD pipelines.

11.  Best Practices and Optimization: Covering best practices for both frontend and backend development, including code organization, performance optimization, and security considerations.

12.  Testing: Explaining the importance of testing in both frontend and backend development and introducing testing frameworks like Jest for React and tools like Postman for API testing.

13.  Real-world Examples and Case Studies: Providing real-world examples or case studies of full-stack applications built with React and Node.js to illustrate concepts discussed.


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