IS FREELANCING A GOOD CHOICE?, KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

UG Courses

Offline (With in the campus)
Workshop Dept. Level
May 11, 2024
09:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Veena Hall
Mechatronics Engineering

Mr. Sardar highlighted that freelancing offers unparalleled flexibility and discussed the below things.

  • Engineers can choose projects that align with their interests and skills, and set their schedules. This independence allows for a better work-life balance, especially for students managing academics.

  • Freelancers can work on a variety of projects, gaining experience across different industries. This diversity enhances their skill set and makes them more adaptable to changing job markets.

  • While freelancing income can be variable, successful freelancers often earn more than their salaried counterparts. Mr. Sardar emphasized the importance of building a strong portfolio and reputation to command higher rates.

  • One of the major challenges is the lack of a steady paycheck. Freelancers must manage their finances carefully and prepare for periods of low demand.

  • Without the structure of a traditional job, freelancers need strong self-discipline to meet deadlines and manage multiple projects effectively.

  • Building a client base can be daunting initially. Mr. Sardar recommended starting with smaller projects to build a reputation and leveraging online platforms and networks for client acquisition.

  • Mr. Sardar advised students to start working on freelance projects or internships early in their academic careers. A solid portfolio showcasing diverse skills is crucial for attracting clients.


The guest talk on freelancing provided valuable insights for engineering students considering this career path. Mr. Sardar Irfankhan experience and practical tips illuminated both the opportunities and challenges of freelancing. As the engineering job market evolves, freelancing presents a viable and attractive option for those willing to navigate its unique landscape. The talk concluded with a lively Q&A session. Students asked about transitioning from academia to freelancing, balancing freelance work with studies, and specific skills in demand. Mr. Sardar Irfankhan responses were insightful and encouraging, providing practical advice tailored to the students' concerns. Engaging with professional networks, attending industry events, and connecting with peers can open up opportunities. Platforms like LinkedIn are valuable for building professional relationships. The engineering field is constantly evolving. Freelancers must stay updated with the latest technologies and trends. Mr. Sardar suggested online courses, certifications, and workshops as effective ways to keep skills relevant. Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr provide access to a global marketplace. Mr. Sardar shared tips on creating compelling profiles and proposals to stand out in a competitive environment.


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