EXPERT TALK ON THE ART OF PERSUASIVE STORY TELLING, KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

UG Courses

Offline (Outside the campus)
Expert Talk Dept. Level
May 22, 2024
09:00 AM to 10:00 AM
CAC Hall

- Explored the transformative power of narrative using the STAR method: Situation, Task, Action, Result.

- Discussed how storytelling shapes corporate culture and personal branding, enhancing leadership presence and fostering connection.

- Shared practical tips, case studies, and best practices for crafting authentic and impactful narratives.

- Emphasized storytelling as a tool for forging connections and inspiring action, essential for image building in the professional sphere.


In a captivating event orchestrated by the esteemed Mr. Sriram, participants were treated to a deep dive into the art of storytelling for image building. With his expert guidance, the session illuminated the transformative power of narrative, particularly through the utilization of the STAR method. As Mr. Sriram adeptly navigated through the components of Situation, Task, Action, and Result, attendees gained invaluable insights into crafting narratives that captivate and inspire. Meanwhile, Dr. Saranya, the meticulous coordinator of the event, ensured that every aspect of the session ran seamlessly, from logistics to engagement.

Throughout the event, Mr. Sriram skillfully illustrated how storytelling is not merely a communication tool but a strategic asset in shaping corporate culture and personal branding. Through a series of engaging discussions and real-world examples, participants learned how narratives can enhance leadership presence, foster meaningful connections, and ultimately, leave a lasting impact on audiences. Under the guidance of both Mr. Sriram and Dr. Saranya, attendees were equipped with practical tips, case studies, and best practices to refine their storytelling skills and leverage them effectively in the professional realm. As the session drew to a close, participants departed with a newfound appreciation for the art of storytelling and a renewed sense of purpose in their image-building endeavors.


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21st Century Engineering College