IGNITRRON'23, KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

UG Courses

Offline (With in the campus)
Club Activity Institute
Jan 21, 2023
10:00 AM to 01:00 PM
classrooms,EEE Drawing hall
Ignittron Clubs
The students were got some more additional information to their knowledge
10 clubs of Ignitrron has organized a grand fest of technical events called IGNITRRON'23 on January 21 exclusively for KPRIET students. In this quiz club of kpriet proudly presents BRAIN BLITZ . It is a quiz game which consists of different technical and non technical rounds. The event has totally 3 rounds. FIRST ROUND using plickers cards for every team we were provided a card where four sides of the card has four options question will be displayed on screen and correct answer side will be displayed by the participants and it was captured using mobile camera , this has questions in the pattern of 12 th basics of physics, chemistry and maths. SECOND ROUND is on Quizz app from these only 10 teams were shortlisted for finals and it also have the same pattern has first round 12 th basics questions .FINAL ROUND consists of four questions and three fun tasks. The questions were in the pattern of first question is non-verbal analogy and second were general knowledge question and third were verbal analogy fourth were scholastic aptitude and the task was the participants have to remember the number that was hidden inside the correct option . The fun tasks were rope trouble , tasting the bitter ground juice and eating goose berry , Balls with flat surface and finally revolving around a long stick. And finally after completing the questions and fun tasks the teams have to return their answer in a sum of all the four questions with in the given time of twenty minutes. Winners were shortlisted according to their correct option and short duration.


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