DRAFTERZZ, KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

UG Courses

Offline (Outside the campus)
Competition Inter-School
Jan 04, 2023 to Jan 07, 2023
09:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Yi –Yuva Club
Fine art explores the different parts of Coimbatore that represent the culture and tradition of the city.
The drawing competition was held on behalf of the "Covai Vizha".It is mainly conducted for school students who were very much passionate about bringing out their thinking through art. The theme is Coimbatore. As Coimbatore is very much known as the "Manchester of South India", the young minds could able to draw a lot of art regarding the Textiles. The students could even able to know about how they can adapt themselves to the situational drawing. The students could able to draw beyond the thinking level and made beautiful art about Coimbatore. Nature is the main factor that makes Coimbatore look so pleasing. Nature never fails to attract people. Students could be an able site all the beautiful nature of Coimbatore. Ukkadam Lake is a great example of the nature of Coimbatore. Ukkadam lake covers most of the people in Coimbatore. The students perfectly pitched the beauties of the Lake and made it look scintillating. The newly built Clock Tower looks so dazzling. The Clock Tower shining all night gives a perfect treat to the eyes. Students ideally figured out the Clock Tower through art. The art was so realistic as because the students made the colors on the drawing look so attractive and loveable. The food street in Coimbatore has different variety of foods that were tasty. Students pictured the food streets through the art that was so appealing. Coimbatore has everything that made people live in Coimbatore. The young minds could able to bring out every beautiful part of Coimbatore through their beautiful art. The drawing were posted on our Instagram page (yiyuvakpriet). Many people got to know about Coimbatore and posted their comments. There were 35 participants in this competition. Based on the likes and skills the winners were selected and awarded Cash Prizes. The drawings were evaluated by Ms. P. Indhiradevi AP(Sr. G). E- certificate was provided to all the participants.


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