ONLINE INTERACTION ON DAA, KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

UG Courses

Offline (Outside the campus)
Association Activity Dept. Level
Feb 13, 2023
02:00 PM to 03:30 PM
Computer Science and Engineering
After attending the event students were able to
1) understand the fundamentals of algorithms
2) understand various problem solving techniques
3) write algorithm for a given problem

Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering organized an online interaction with Dr. Ahamed Abdi Yusuf Ali, Senior Lecturer, Electrical Engineering Technology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa on "Design and Analysis of Algorithm" to the student of II CSE, on 13. 02. 2023, between 02.00 pm and 03.30 pm through zoom meeting. The main objective of the interaction is to known the basic algorithmic design, various methods to solve problems and analysis of the same with the notation used for the it. Prof. started the session by telling about himself, his experience and the connection with KPRIET and the dept. He then started explaining about "What is an algorithm?", basic understanding on the algorithm, various terminology associated with algorithm. He continued by presenting the step in solving the problem with a flow chart. He also explained the difference between pseudo code, algorithm and cod. He then moved on to explain about the fundamental of algorithmic problem solving more technically. The steps involved in solving the problem with a pictorial representation. Some of the other points that he discussed with the students are as follows 1) list of problem solving techniques (Brute force technique, Divide and conquer technique), but not much into the other techniques 2) explained a problem and showed the algorithm 3) importance of measuring the algorithm efficiency 4) Notation used to represent the time and space complexity of the algorithm 5) difference between recursive algorithm and non recursive algorithm 6) basic steps followed in analysis of an algorithm. Students were gathered in 2 class rooms and system with webcam was connected for the the discussion.


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