LOW CODE NO CODE PLATFORM FOR MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT, KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

UG Courses

Offline (With in the campus)
Expert Talk Dept. Level
Jul 14, 2023
11:00 AM to 01:30 PM
Computer Science and Engineering
Students will gain knowledge on App models in No code Low code mobile app development
Dr. Nisha Soms, Associate Professor/CSE welcome the gathering. Mr. Ananth Co-founder, Mahat Labs Pvt Ltd, explained about No code platform. A no-code platform for application development is an innovative tool that empowers individuals, regardless of their coding knowledge, to create fully functional applications. It provides a visual interface and pre-built components, allowing users to design, customize, and deploy applications without writing complex code from scratch. With a no-code platform, the emphasis is on a drag-and-drop approach, where users can easily select and arrange elements to define the app's layout, functionality, and logic.
These platforms typically offer a wide range of pre-built templates, themes, and modules that users can leverage to accelerate their development process. They also provide intuitive features for designing user interfaces, integrating databases, implementing business logic, and connecting to external services through APIs. This way, users can focus more on the creative and functional aspects of their application rather than getting caught up in the technical details.
No-code platforms democratize app development by breaking down barriers and allowing individuals from various backgrounds to bring their ideas to life. Entrepreneurs, business professionals, designers, and hobbyists can all benefit from these platforms, enabling them to quickly prototype, test, and iterate their applications without extensive coding knowledge or the need to hire a dedicated development team.
The advantages of no-code platforms extend beyond speed and accessibility. They facilitate collaboration, as multiple users can work simultaneously on different aspects of the application. Changes and updates can be made in real-time, fostering teamwork and enabling efficient iteration cycles. Additionally, no-code platforms often provide built-in deployment and hosting options, simplifying the process of launching the application to various platforms such as web, mobile, or desktop.
However, it's important to note that while no-code platforms offer significant advantages, they may have certain limitations. Complex functionalities and intricate customizations may still require traditional coding approaches. Nevertheless, for many use cases, no-code platforms provide an excellent solution, allowing individuals and businesses to rapidly develop applications, experiment with ideas, and bring their visions to fruition without the traditional barriers of coding expertise. Ms. Senthamarai, the Course Coordinator, interacted with students and collected open feedback. Students also shared their thoughts about the platform. Mr. Naveenkumar M, Assistant Professor/CSE gave the vote of thanks.


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