The IEEE KPRIET SB PELS SOCIETY Inauguration was started at 2pm on 01.08.2024. The event was formerly welcomed by Dr. K. Mohanasundaram, IEEE PELS advisor, followed by an introduction to the office bearers by Dr. V. Parimala, IEEE PELS advisor. and Mr.Salem Noel, IV EEE B narrate the activity plan for the academic year 2024-2025 such Webinar series, Power Electronics circuits simulations using MATLAB Simulink environment.
The expert delivered the IEEE PELS membership benefits for students and advisors.
He explained how to apply the IEEE conference and delivered lectures by IEEE experts through virtual, physical, and hybrid modes with google forms entry. with examples.
IEEE Transportation Society also in line with IEEE PELS Society.
In IEEE website how to crack the Free webinars and course videos to update the knowledge on power electronics and their applications fields.
Network with other technology professionals
Establish a professional profile highlighting your accomplishments
Join and participate in discussions on various technical interests
Create a group to share and collaborate on projects
Discover IEEE events and activities throughout the world
How to apply for travel grants for student membership.
21st Century Engineering College in Coimbatore
World is transforming everyday. In the rapidly evolving engineering landscape, we have an Increased responsibility to transform the engineering education from traditional curriculum to meet the 21st century skills like Creativity, Critical Thinking, Collaboration and Communication. Through our unique and strategic approach we enable our students to learn beyond and prepare them for life long success.