This guest lecture has covered essential topics related to Auto mobile and it’s innovative ideas including:
• The concept of Automobiles and how they can impact personal and professional life.
• Practical methods to improve Automobile ideas.
• Emerging technologies of Automobile in the today’s world and how to improve them.
• Best way to enhance the Automobile based innovations in a connected world.
Participants were gained valuable insights and how they can implement safe practices to enhance their future.
• Insightful talk by an experienced Automobile experts
• Detailed explanation of the importance of innovation ideas in automobile industry.
• Best practices for enhancing personal and professional skills.
• Q&A session to address participant questions and concerns.
21st Century Engineering College in Coimbatore
World is transforming everyday. In the rapidly evolving engineering landscape, we have an Increased responsibility to transform the engineering education from traditional curriculum to meet the 21st century skills like Creativity, Critical Thinking, Collaboration and Communication. Through our unique and strategic approach we enable our students to learn beyond and prepare them for life long success.