The "Her Rise Summit: Empowering the Next Generation" program is a panel discussion in which four guests of honor from various fields were invited to discuss issues. The four guests comprised a social worker from an NGO, an entrepreneur, a doctor, and an engineer. They shared their life journeys in a glimpse and presented many key takeaways for today's generation. Every matter discussed was an eye-opener for all in the gathering that aids them to learn from mistakes and start a new self on their own. The power of the women accompanied by shareable stories of their efforts and struggles was quite exquisite which added to the aura of this event.
21st Century Engineering College in Coimbatore
World is transforming everyday. In the rapidly evolving engineering landscape, we have an Increased responsibility to transform the engineering education from traditional curriculum to meet the 21st century skills like Creativity, Critical Thinking, Collaboration and Communication. Through our unique and strategic approach we enable our students to learn beyond and prepare them for life long success.