The event started at 3 PM when Dr. Bharathi Ganesan introduced Prof. M. Ramasamy, Strategic Advisor KPRIET and Managing Director MachDatum Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students of Chemical Engineering present in Veena Hall.
Prof. Ram started with the definition of a chemical engineer as to produce useful products for human comfort economically and sustainably.
Then Prof. Ram elaborated the contribution of chemical industry towards growth of our Nation. He listed the largest chemical producer company BASF and one of the largest in India as Tata Chemicals. He elaborated about the largest refinery complex in the world, Jamnagar Refinery which is able to process a wide range of crude oil unlike any other refinery.
Prof. Ram distinguished the career opportunities in chemical industries, chemical design - consultation firms and non chemical software companies. This drove the point that chemical engineers can fit into any role including legal lawyers, patent writers, banking insurance verification etc.
Prof. Ram then listed the various roles in industries and elaborated on how to rise from the level of a process or plant engineer to the level of a President or Vice President.
After listing some of the chemical companies in and around of Coimbatore, Prof. Ram explained the need for various technical and soft skills needed for a chemical engineer. He spoke about effective communication including presentations, report writing, team work, ethics, professionalism, positive attitude and the right attire.
Prof. Ram concluded with the challenges faced by the chemical industries including global warming, market demand - supply, safety, regulations and sustainability in economic and environment aspects.
The students asked few questions and dispersed to board their buses. Feedback was collected the next day.